Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I have this obsession with conciousness.

Maybe obsession is too strong a word, maybe facination.

Maybe that's the wrong word. I mean I certainly find the topic facinating but at the same time it makes me nauseous. To look inside my own mind and my own sense of myself with my own mind and sense of myself is dizzying. I mean its so very very strange that I exist. When I say I don't mean the body that you see. That is completely unbelievable as well but what I mean is the continous silent, multilayered, multitracked monologue that is me.

Isn't it weird?

The reason it came up was I was sitting down to write a little bloggy blog and didn't have anything to blog about but I made a commitment to myself to write a little bloggy blog everyday. That made me think about commitment. Like promises and stuff like that. Where do those things live? I mean they live in the realm of language, right? We make them up and then they live in our minds as if they are real. Yet they can't be measured and weighed like a car or an apple or a lion.

So they don't have any objective reality.

They are made of the stuff of dreams.

Nothingness or maybe chemical electrical patterns in our brains.

Yet these things - commitments, promises, ideals - make more of a difference than lions and tigers and bears nowadays. More and more we live in a world that is filled with things but what is really important and moving is the ideas behind those thing.

At least that's what I believe.

Perhaps that's why I'm a big supporter of the First Amendment and I'm not so hot on the Second.

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