Yogi is going to be 7 next week! Hard to believe. It feels like it's gone by so fast, although looking back over pictures I guess we've had 7 years full of good times.
Over the past year Yogi has really become a boy with hardly any trace of toddlerhood left. He's into Pokemon and Wii games, boogie boarding and playing with his DS, swimming and Jinenkan. He's moved from Playmobil to Lego, now that he can build things out of the millions of small pieces that only look like the picture on the box for about 10 seconds (after hours of frustrating construction for John!) He and John are on the last few books of the Harry Potter series, after which they'll see the movies which have been banned until the book-reading is completed.
Other books he's been listening to on CD include the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia, Redwall and others in that series, Eragon and Eldest, Castles in the Sky, The Mysterious Benedict Society, and many others. He loves stories and can listen for hours. His ability to focus is fierce. He still doesn't read, but is definitely showing signs of being close. However he resists being taught, so we have to slip reading tutorial in when he's not looking! He's good at math - can do simple addition and subtraction in his head.
He's articulate and outspoken. He's not shy about shouting, "Mommy!" (Or whoever else is close by...) "A little help here?" And he says funny stuff all the time. I still find it hard to believe that he's my kid sometimes. He just seems like an amazing creature that came from some kind of magic place!